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Luís Vieira | | (+351) 217526440

INSA – Technology and Innovation Unit / Bioinformatics Unit

About us

The Technology and Innovation Unit provides next-generation sequencing and Sanger sequencing/fragment analysis services. The Unit processes over 35000 samples per year and holds ISO 15189 accreditation for Sanger sequencing. The Bioinformatics Unit performs different types of data analysis in microbial organisms ranging from core- and whole-genome analysis to expression analysis derived from RNA-seq data.  


Next-generation sequencing

Sanger sequencing

Fragment analysis


Main services

Sequencing of small- to medium-size genomes and transcriptomes, gene panels (including disease exome), amplicons, microRNAs and 16S rRNA gene (NextSeq 550 and MiSeq, Illumina)

Sanger sequencing (3130Xl Genetic Analyzer, Applied Biosystems)

Fragment analysis (3130Xl Genetic Analyzer, Applied Biosystems)

Real-time PCR (7500 RT-PCR System, Applied Biosystems)

Quality and quantity evaluation of sequencing libraries (Qubit, Thermo Fisher Scientific/Fragment Analyzer, Advanced Analytical)

Bioinformatics (microbial genomics, transcriptomics and metagenomics)

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