Expired Jobs
ERA Chair Position | Natural Heritage (CIBIO)​
The University of Porto, through ICETA with its research center CIBIO–Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, the company Parques de Sintra Monte da Lua, and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), are launching a public international call for an Invited Chair in the field of Natural Heritage (Reference ICETA 2019-110).
The primary goal of the Invited Chair call is to attract a top level researcher to the University of Porto in order to develop and promote emerging areas of knowledge, namely to boost the growth of R&D activities, and advanced training in the field of Restoration Ecology at CIBIO-InBIO–Research Centerin Biodiversity and Genetic Resources–Research Network in Biodiversity and Evolution.
Applications open from 2019-11-22 to 2020-01-15
Postdoc position available in functional genomics lab (CBMR - Universidade do Algarve)
A postdoc position is currently available at our lab (Functional Genomics of Cancer, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal) to study the effect of cis-regulation in breast cancer risk. Work will involve analysis of breast cancer DNA-seq and RNA-seq data, from tumour and normal samples. This position is associated with a recently funded 3-years FCT project.
Application deadline: November 14th 2019
Research Fellowship - MSc | Evolutionary Genomics (CIBIO)
A Research Fellowship - MSc (Reference ICETA 2019-104) in the R&D project “To Change or not to Change? The genetic basis of seasonal coat color polymorphism” with reference PTDC/BIA-EVL/28124/2017, supported by national funds by FCT / MCTES and co-supported by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) throughout COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028124), in the Scientific Area of Biological Sciences and Scientific Sub-area of Evolutionary Genomics, is available at ICETA, Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias e Agro-Alimentares da Universidade do Porto.
Applications open from 2019-11-15 to 2019-12-15
Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre | Ciências Biológicas (CIBIO)
Encontra-se aberto concurso para a atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação Mestre (Referência ICETA 2019-109) na Rede de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Biologia Evolutiva - UID/BIA/50027/2019, com o apoio financeiro da MCTES através de fundos nacionais (PIDDAC), e considerando o financiamento Plurianual da UID (2020-2023) a partir de 01-01-2020, na instituição ICETA.
Applications open from 2019-11-29 to 2019-12-12
PhD holder Position | Biological Sciences; Infectious Diseases (CIBIO)
International call for a phd holder position to pursue scientific research activities under the DECREE-LAW NO. 57/2016 OF AUGUST 29th, AMENDED BY LAW 57/2017 AND REGULATORY DECREE No. 11-A/2017 and the Portuguese Labour Code, approved by Law 7/2009 of February 12, in its actual form.
Applications open from 2019-10-07 to 2019-11-30
ERA Chair Position | Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems Research (CIBIO)
CIBIO invites applications by senior scientists for a tenure-track position in tropical biodiversity and ecosystems research.The successful applicant will be the holder of an ERA Chair recently awarded to CIBIO->InBIO by the European Commission (TROPIBIO), with an overall budget of 2.5M €. The ERA Chair holder will be offered resources to hire a research and support team, which will be based at CIBIO’s labs in northern Portugal and will develop research primarily in Portuguese-speaking African countries.The successful candidate will also be involved in the transformation of CIBIO into a Centre of Excellence in Environmental Biology, Ecosystem Research and AgroBiodiversity over the next decade, through the Teaming project BIOPOLIS with the University of Montpellier (France), supported by the European Commission. The position is expected to be filled during the first trimester of 2020.
Applications open from 2019-10-01 to 2019-11-30
Post-doctoral Research Fellowship | Entomology and Insect Ecology (CIBIO)
ICETA, through CIBIO-InBIO, University of Porto, is seeking for a highly-qualified, self-motivated Post-doctoral researcher (Reference ICETA 2019-101) to work on the project PORBIOTA – Portuguese E- Infrastructure for Information and Research on Biodiversity – 22127. PORBIOTA is a distributed e-infrastructure to manage biodiversity data and meta-data from multiple sources (data providers). Tailored according to the national needs (research, management, policy, governance, citizen science), but compliant with requirements of LIFEWATCH and other international initiatives, it aims to promote a national agenda of biodiversity survey and research, and to provide services to the administration, the scientific community and society. Specifically, we are seeking an experienced entomologist or insect ecologist that will work on the component of PORBIOTA related to the Portuguese Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network, focusing on the Baixo Sabor LTER Site and to the development of DNA Barcode Databases.
Applications open from 2019-11-05 to 2019-11-18
Bolsa de Investigação para Licenciado (BI) | Ciências Biológicas (CIBIO)
Na Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso FP, encontra-se aberto concurso para a atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação para Licenciado, no âmbito do projeto de investigação “CVAgrobiodiversity - Climatic changes and plant genetic resources: the overlooked potential of Cabo Verde's endemic flora - Projeto n.º 333111699”, cofinanciado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. e pela Rede Aga Khan para o Desenvolvimento, através de fundos nacionais.
Applications open from 2019-10-24 to 2019-11-07
Bolsa de Gestão de Ciência e Tecnologia para Licenciado | Ciências Biológicas (CIBIO)
Encontra-se aberto concurso para a atribuição de uma Bolsa de Gestão de Ciência e Tecnologia para Licenciado (Referência ICETA 2019-100), no Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos (CIBIO) - Rede de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Biologia Evolutiva, Laboratório Associado (InBIO), através do Instituto de Ciências, Tecnologias e Agroambiente da Universidade do Porto (ICETA), para desenvolver trabalho de acompanhamento e gestão de projetos na área de modelação ecológica aplicada à conservação da biodiversidade, integrado em estudos promovidos pelo GEPE - Gabinete de Estudos e Projectos em Ecologia Aplicada/ CIBIO, Universidade do Porto,
Applications open from 2019-11-01 to 2019-11-15
Bolsa de Investigação para Licenciado (BI) | Biologia, Ciências Ambientais e áreas afins (CIBIO)
Na Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso, FP, encontra-se aberto concurso para a atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação (BI) para Licenciado, com vista ao desempenho de funções no projeto de investigação, “North Atlantic Atmospheric Patterns influence on Western Iberia Climate: From the Lateglacial to the Present“ ref. PTDC/CTAGEO/29029/2017, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT), por verbas exclusivamente provenientes do Orçamento de Estado. Os trabalhos serão desenvolvidos no Centro de Investigação de Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos – CIBIO Açores, da Universidade dos Açores.
Applications open from 2019-10-31 to 2019-11-14
Research Fellowship for Master holders
One Fellowship(s) Research for a holder of a master degree is(are) open at the FCiências.ID – Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências, for the project “Securing the ecological integrity of the Bijagos archipelago as a key site for waders along the East Atlantic Flyway (Waders of the Bijagos)” /CESAM-UL, with the reference, AO 2 (17126), co-financed by the MAVA Foundation
Applications open from 2019-10-20 to 2019-11-20
Research fellowship MSc | Agri-environmental systems analysis (CIBIO)
A Research fellowship MSc (Reference ICETA 2019-97) is now open for applications at ICETA, in the context of the Project “MAGIC - Multi-Agent Control and Estimation for Multi-Horizon Goals Conciliation”, with reference PTDC/EEI-AUT/32485/2017 supported by national funds by FCT / MCTES and co-supported by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) throughout COMPETE - POCI – Programa Operacional Competividade e Internacionalização ( POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032485).
Applications open from 2019-10-18 to 2019-10-31
Bachelor´s Fellowship (BI) | Biodiversity and Evolution (CIBIO)
A Bachelor´s Fellowship (BI) (Reference ICETA 2019-98) in the project PTDC/BIA-EVL/28090/2017 –POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028090 entitled “LINKING PHENOTYPES TO DIVERSIFICATION DYNAMICS TO DECIPHER THE TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL SCALING OF BIODIVERSITY EVOLUTION IN THE MEDITERRANEAN BASIN” is available at CIBIO/ICETA, Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias e AgroAlimentares da Universidade do Porto, financed by the FEDER Funds through the Operational Competitiveness Factors Program - COMPETE and by National Funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT/MCTES).
Applications open from 2019-10-18 to 2019-10-31
Two PhD holder positions | Human Evolutionary Genetics (CIBIO)
International call for two phd holder positions to pursue scientific research activities under the DECREE-LAW NO. 57/2016 OF AUGUST 29th, AMENDED BY LAW 57/2017 AND REGULATORY DECREE No. 11-A/2017 and the Portuguese Labour Code, approved by Law 7/2009 of February 12, in its actual form.
Applications open from 2019-09-19 to 2019-10-30
Técnico Superior, 2 postos de Técnico de Laboratório (CND-CTTRC-175-ARH/2019) - Biologia Molecular / Genética (IBIMED - Universidade de Aveiro​)
Contratação em regime de contrato de trabalho a termo resolutivo certo, com fundamento no disposto no artigo 140.º do Código do Trabalho, aprovado e publicado em anexo, pela Lei n.º 7/2009, de 12 de fevereiro, dois trabalhadores equiparados a Técnico Superior, para ocuparem o posto de trabalho de Técnico de Laboratório, na área de genética humana, no âmbito do Projeto Genoma Portugal, do Roteiro Nacional das infraestruturas de Investigação Científica, com as seguintes atribuições:
- Apoio técnico a equipamento laboratorial na área da biomedicina do genoma;
- Apoio à gestão/execução de trabalhos laboratoriais, nomeadamente preparação de amostras de DNA e RNA para sequenciação por métodos de NGS e execução de trabalhos de sequenciação de genomas e transcritomas;
- Apoio na preparação e manutenção de equipamentos de NGS.